Price Compare
CLX Price Compare helps you capture more contact lens sales by doing your patients’ comparison shopping for them right there in your office.
Industry-wide, only 25% of contact lens patients purchase annual supplies. That’s where CLX comes in. With our proprietary Price Compare tool, you can show your patients why buying their contact lenses from you is the right decision, resulting in an increase in annual supply sales: In fact, practices using CLX sell 88% more annual supplies than the industry average.
Compare Prices in Real Time
CLX automatically pulls pricing data from your biggest online and big box competitors so you can show favorable head-to-head comparisons while you’re sitting with the patient after their exam.
Customize What Your Patients See
Price Compare allows you to control exactly what your patients are seeing. Add in manufacturer rebates, insurance benefits, and discounts to give your practice the edge you need to control the conversation.
Offer Seamless Subscription Options
Price Compare gives you the opportunity to offer subscription plans to your patients, enabling you to lock in the entire year upfront while providing flexible payment options.

– Brill Eye Center –
How Can Price Compare Benefit Your Practice?
Capture More Contact Lens Orders on the Day of the Exam
By factoring in insurance benefits, manufacturer’s rebates and practice discounts, CLX Price Compare helps you do your patients’ comparison shopping for them! Price Compare allows you to show a concise side-by-side comparison with your online and big box competition — where your practice comes out as the clear choice.
Offer Patients Options to Fit Their Needs
Price Compare allows you to cater to the modern patient’s desire to consider all the options available to them before making a decision. Some patients will still buy in smaller quantities — and that’s ok! Combined with subscriptions and automated reordering reminders, Price Compare is just a part of a comprehensive contact lens sales strategy.
Transparency = Patient Loyalty
When you show your patients exactly how your prices compare to your biggest competitors, it helps them feel informed and confident about choosing to buy their contact lenses from their eye doctor. Your patients will trust you more when you demonstrate your motivation to help them make the decision that’s in their best interests.
Personalize Pricing for Each Patient
Often, online competitors and big box retailers only look like they have the best pricing — when you include manufacturer rebates and insurance benefits that only apply on purchases from a prescribing OD, most ECPs have a leg up on the competition. Price Compare lets you show your patients the value of buying contact lenses from you.